Our Board

Our Board of Directors is dedicated to sound corporate governance practices that provide our shareholders with meaningful rights and foster strong independent leadership in our boardroom. We understand that creating sustainable long-term value for shareholders is only possible by committing to strong governance practices and open dialogue through continuous direct engagement.

Risk and strategy oversight

Our Board of Directors oversees the Company’s enterprise risk assessment and integrated risk management activities. These are designed to identify, prioritize, assess, monitor and mitigate various risks facing the Company, including risks related to the execution of the Company’s operational and financial strategy. Our directors also take an active role in the oversight of the Company’s strategy at both the Board and Committee level, while management teams are responsible for executing our business strategy.

ESG Governance

Our Board of Directors is directly focused on the long-term sustainability of our business. To support this goal, the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee oversees the Company’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies and programs. The Committee receives routine updates from ADP’s ESG Officer and reports back on these matters to the Board. This arrangement allows our Board to engage with the Company more freely and across a broad range of ESG focus areas. Our Board has complete and open access to our ESG Officer, who spearheads our ESG Steering and Operating Committees to lead ADP’s ESG efforts. Our Operating Committee is comprised of enterprise-wide senior leaders at ADP. The purpose of the Operating Committee is to provide a consolidated view of emerging opportunities and risks in ESG and make recommendations to the ESG Steering Committee to capture these opportunities or mitigate potential risks. Our Steering Committee is comprised of members of executive management. The purpose of the Steering Committee is to align on ESG strategy and focus, review and approve recommendations made by the ESG Operating Committee and provide guidance on strategic ESG initiatives. Both committees meet regularly to more effectively communicate and manage related issues affecting the Company, now and into the future.

For more information on the Board’s committees, governance policies and practices, including standards for director independence, qualifications for Board membership and the process for evaluating Board performance, please refer to the Corporate Governance Section of our website.

Board of Director Highlights

We are proud of our progress in developing thorough representation at all levels of our business.

Below is the composition of our Board of Directors as of March 2024:

10 of our 12 directors
are independent
are women
5 of our 12 directors are women
25% are racially or ethnically diverse
3 of our 12 directors are racially or ethnically diverse
  • 2 Hispanic/Latino directors
  • 1 Black director
The average age of our 12 directors is 61 years

Open dialogue through continuous direct engagement

We firmly believe that creating sustainable, long-term value hinges on strong governance practices and transparent dialogue with stockholders through continuous direct engagement. We value stakeholder feedback as we strive to deliver strong financial performance and sustained value creation for our investors, associates, partners and community members. What we learn from these conversations is regularly shared with our Board of Directors and incorporated into our disclosures, plans and practices wherever appropriate.